Solid assets at your service

Our independence will be your assurance of receiving advice and services with the sole objective of serving your interests.


Securing your wealth with safe and well-advised investments is our priority..


Whether we are investing on your behalf or simply advising you, we give precedence to capital protection and high-grade, liquid, transparent instruments.


GVA Associés does not sell in-house products. We only propose our clients investments selected from a range of local and international prime business partners.



Management or Advisory ? Mandates made to measure.

There is no such thing as one-size-fits-all. GVA Associés believes that any financial service should be tailor-made. Whether you choose discretionary management or are just looking for advice, GVA Associés is only in charge of the financial and investment operations. At all time, you are in control of your assets deposited with the bank of your choice.

Management mandaten

Together we choose the investment strategy that suits best your risk-reward expectations and ambitions.
We invest according to the chosen strategy.
We keep you informed – regularly and on your demand – of our decisions so that you can adjust your future plans and life objectives accordingly.

Advisory mandate

You are fully in control of your investments.
We are on hand to answer your questions and provide you with analyzes and investment commentaries that help you make appropriate and informed decisions.
We execute your decisions at the best price.

A dynamic and transparent approach

Our ambition is to ensure you can carry out your financial and personal objectives by shielding your assets from identifiable market risks and uncertainties. To achieve so, our philosophy is simple : we follow a rigorous, coherent, methodized and pragmatic process.

A dynamic process

The four main steps

Defining needs and risk-reward expectations
Creating an investment solution
Implementing the chosen strategy
Reviewing periodically : endorsement or adjustment


To structure globally (holistic approach) and optimally (risk-curve positionning) your portfolio investment, we work closely with a network of custodian banks and prime business partners in Switzerland and abroad.

With us, you will benefit from the expertise of a wide range of specialists in economic and financial research, in tax and legal consulting and from suppliers of investment products.

Our prime business partners have been selected rigorously – they are yours to consult. We offer you all the best-fitting services in wealth management in an open architecture environment..


Asset protection

We direct you to the best specialists to advise you and implement legal and tax solutions to optimize your investments. We do not provide legal or tax advice other than that related to understanding the investment vehicles of your portfolio.

Insurance and pension

GVA Associés has developed expertise in financial planning and wealth structuring so that you can benefit from the full range of advantages offered by invesments suited to individual protection and insurance policies. We also assist in the structuring of tailor-made insurance and protection arrangements. Our experience has shown that most estate is indeed intended to be past on.

Real estate

Although we are not real estate specialists, we believe that the integration of real estate assets contributes to an effective management of risks within your estate as a whole. We support our clients in aquiring and selling property, and can represent them – confidentially – in transactions upon request.

Specialised services

You would like to invest in works of art and other valuable items (such as watches, jewellery or fine wines). We are on hand to help you aquire such goods and can also provide services in cases where financing is required, e.g. collateral or Lombard loans. We will provide you a comprehensive overview of the risks and expected returns of those items so that you can make wise and informed purchase for your portfolio.

Portfolio consolidation

It is common for investors to hold their assets in several banks as they quite rightly want to limit counterparty risk. But we believe that multi-accounts should be managed collectively – from the standpoint of strategies, asset selection and currency exposure – to avoid overlapping investments and risks concentration. We can consolidate multiple portfolios and issue congruent rebalancing recommandations.


To structure globally (holistic approach) and optimally (risk-curve positionning) your portfolio investment, we work closely with a network of custodian banks and prime business partners in Switzerland and abroad.

With us, you will benefit from the expertise of a wide range of specialists in economic and financial research, in tax and legal consulting and from suppliers of investment products.

Our prime business partners have been selected rigorously – they are yours to consult. We offer you all the best-fitting services in wealth management in an open architecture environment.


Asset protection

We direct you to the best specialists to advise you and implement legal and tax solutions to optimize your investments. We do not provide legal or tax advice other than that related to understanding the investment vehicles of your portfolio.

Insurance and pension

GVA Associés has developed expertise in financial planning and wealth structuring so that you can benefit from the full range of advantages offered by invesments suited to individual protection and insurance policies. We also assist in the structuring of tailor-made insurance and protection arrangements. Our experience has shown that most estate is indeed intended to be past on..

Real estate

Although we are not real estate specialists, we believe that the integration of real estate assets contributes to an effective management of risks within your estate as a whole. We support our clients in aquiring and selling property, and can represent them – confidentially – in transactions upon request.

Specialised services

You would like to invest in works of art and other valuable items (such as watches, jewellery or fine wines). We are on hand to help you aquire such goods and can also provide services in cases where financing is required, e.g. collateral or Lombard loans. We will provide you a comprehensive overview of the risks and expected returns of those items so that you can make wise and informed purchase for your portfolio.

Portfolio consolidation

It is common for investors to hold their assets in several banks as they quite rightly want to limit counterparty risk. But we believe that multi-accounts should be managed collectively – from the standpoint of strategies, asset selection and currency exposure – to avoid overlapping investments and risks concentration. We can consolidate multiple portfolios and issue congruent rebalancing recommandations.